Robbie Durrant

“What you put in your body affects how you look and how you feel. What you put in your head affects how you think and what you do.”

– Jamie Alderton

About Robbie

With 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, Robbie has developed an exceptional ability to communicate with his clients and address many of the issues they commonly face. He specialises in improving posture, correcting movement, building strength, gaining muscle, coaching sustainable habits, building confidence, and managing stress in the midst of a busy corporate lifestyle, particularly with corporate clients.

  • Calisthenics
  • Strength and Muscle Gain
  • Mobility
  • Injury Rehabilitation

training philosophy

My training philosophy focuses on viewing your body as a tool rather than just an ornament. The true beauty of exercise lies in enhancing how your body moves and functions instead of just improving its appearance. Each workout should be an opportunity to strengthen your body, increase your flexibility and learn new movements and skills that you couldn’t perform before. As a result, your body will not only look great but also feel great, and you’ll have a lot of fun in the process.

education, experience & achievements

  • Certificate III & IV in Fitness
  • Bsc hons sports science and management

3 fun facts

  1. I’m originally from the UK and worked on a banana farm for 4 months when I first moved to Australia
  2. When I’m not training clients I work part-time as an actor
  3. I have a random ability to do impressions of people and impersonate different accents




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